Grower Break Even Calculator: click here
Use this calculator to find out your break even price for your aronia operation. Every operation has unique start-up and maintenance costs so every operation will have a different break even. You should know your break even so you can set your price above that to make a profit.
Steps to use the calculator: (The calculator has built in assumptions that might not fit all operations, but this will still allow you to find your ballpark break even / lb.)
First, click on link above and save a copy of this spreadsheet to your computer.
1. Enter variables (like number of plants, price /lb., and Lbs. / plant, etc.) into yellow cells on page-1
2. Enter Planting Year expenses
3. Enter Growth and Production (Variable) expenses
4. Enter Ownership (fixed) expenses (pink cells page-2)
5. Find your summary and break even information on page-1.