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New “superfruit” discovered

Updated: Mon 12:35 PM, Jul 07, 2014
By: Matt McGovern Email

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BISMARCK, ND (NBC) – There’s a new superfruit in town, and you’ve probably never heard of it.

Experts say it has huge potential.

Interest in healthy eating has led to a worldwide growth in the popularity of aronia berries and aronia products.

Also known as the black chokecherry, the berry is said to have more antioxidants than any other fruit.

The aronia berry isn’t easily found in the grocery store, but the superfruit grows easily on the plains of North Dakota.

Kathy Wiederholt says aronia berries have more antioxidants than any other fruit, including the acai berry. It’s not a fruit you’d want to eat on its own.

People describe it as having an earthy or astringent flavor, but some people are using it to make wine.

Vintner’s Winery in Bismarck has two aronia varieties. Owner Allan Fuller says both wines pair well with steak.

The Carrington Research Center has six varieties of aronia berries, and Wiederholt says they’re easy to take care of.

The plant will begin yielding fruit in the second or third year, and each bush will produce about 15-20 pounds of fruit once it reaches maturity.

Wiederholt says the fruit pairs well with dairy products and can be great in a smoothie or with ice cream.



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