Here are some details to help you understand this offer from Artemis.
A. The International market for Aronia will dictate much of the price we will get for the berries.
B. Today a business can import berries to their U.S. location for $ 0.50- $0.60 / lb.
C. For this fall (2012), Artemis would like to partner with MAA to fulfill a requirement for 50,000 lbs. of berries.
D. They are paying $ 0.50 / lb. at “drop-off point”. In addition, they will clean, de-stem, sort, box, store, distribute, and market the berries to establish the U.S. Aronia Market.
The approximate value of these services is over $ 0.70 / lb. It breaks down as follows:
- Cleaning and processing $ 0.20 / lb.
- Bagging and boxing $ 0.10 / lb.
- Freezer storage $ 0.02 / lb. / month
- Distribution $ 0.02 – $ 0.20 / lb. (depending on distance, method, and qty)
- Marketing $ 0.20 / lb (on average)
E. Drop-off points are Nor-Am locations of LeMars, IA; Schuyler, NE; and St. Joe, MO.
If you are needing boxes to accumulate berries in, contact Pete Nipp to pick them up. (402-305-2280)
Berries can be right out of the field, no cleaning or de-stemming necessary. Berries should be protected from heat and shriveling up prior to drop-off.
Please let Colleen know if you plan to sell your berries this way, so we can get a count of how much product we will have for Artemis. [email protected]