The USDA National Statistics Service has noticed Aronia listed as an “Other” crop on a significant
number of surveys. Listing Aronia as its own crop rather than “Other” is important for future funding,
grant opportunities, etc. The USDA would like Aronia growers wishing to be included in the 2017
Census of Agricultural crops survey to contact them.
MAA would like to encourage ANY Aronia grower to contact the USDA!
Additional information:
1. Data collected is confidential – protected by US Title 7. No individual details are revealed.
2. USDA census data becomes public at publication and is used by policy makers at various
government levels including local, county, state and US. It is also available to industry players
who may want to plan by adding staff to accommodate processing, product development, etc.
Additionally, MAA and other organizations like ours can use the information to produce graphs,
presentations, etc. for education, discussion, grant applications, decision-making, etc.
There has not been a comprehensive source for this information before. This is a chance for
Aronia to get “on the map”!
If you would like more information regarding the USDA and this project or to supply your contact
information for the USDA survey mailing, you may access to find a USDA
office closest to your location. Information can also be left at the 800 numbers. USDA needs
this information by October.
Please consider including your name to receive the USDA survey for the 2017 Agricultural
Census to establish Aronia as a distinct crop!
For more information about Aronia and the MAA, please visit
Midwest Aronia Association